John Spencer

Lead Consultant
✦ Management Operating System
✦ Operational Improvement
✦ Organisational Development
✦ Analysis & Review
✦ Project Management
✦ General Management
Education & Qualification
✦ Grad Dip Bus Admin
✦ Bachelor of Arts
John has more than 30 years project management experience, covering industries such as utilities, mining, refining, production / manufacturing, telecommunications, finance, call centres, high-speed bottling and packaging, transportation, and the service sector.
As a Lead Consultant, John has carried the responsibility for the management of the team of consultants and client task force in delivering the results through the successful implementation of agreed initiatives. The focus of projects has been productivity, project management, inventory management, throughput increase, management operating systems, supply chain management, logistics, measurement and metrics.
Whilst based in Hobart John has completed projects (of which some are outlined below) in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, USA and Hong Kong/China.
Clients and Projects
Following are three examples of recent projects:
✦ Water Corporation – Major MOS based transformation programmes in Regional Customer Services Group and Business Services Group resulting in significant improvements in productivity and customer service plus cost reduction.
✦ TasWater – Developed and implemented MOS and behavioural change program resulting in significant improvements in [productivity and work output across the Service Delivery Division. Working closely with the client developed planned maintenance programs and standard operating procedures for water and waste treatment plants.
✦ SEQDE – Through the development of an infrastructure and delivery framework and utilising leading practice, the team developed an options paper, together with a preferred option, to structure the integrated planning and the delivery of infrastructure assets for the newly created entity
Other Clients include:
✦ Watercorp
✦ Taswater
✦ United Energy (Vic)
✦ Powercor (Vic)
✦ Powernet (Vic)
✦ Citipower (Vic)
✦ Great Southern Energy (Qld)
✦ Griffins Foods
✦ Bankers Trust
✦ Philips (Malaysia)
✦ Australian Cooperative Foods
Mining/Heavy Industry
✦ SASOL (Sth Africa)
✦ Bluestones Mines Tasmania
✦ RioTinto Coal
✦ Debswana Mining (Botswana)
✦ BP Lubricants (SE Asia)
✦ Keeley Granite (Sth Africa)
✦ Konkola Copper Mines (Zambia)
✦ Rand Gold Refinery (Sth Africa)
✦ Shell/Anglo American Coal
✦ Xstrata
✦ Bluescope Steel
✦ Worsely Alumina
✦ MNLG (Petronas)
✦ Queensland Rail