Organisational Review & Development
Organisational Review & Development
Analysing and aligning the way an organisation delivers its strategic objectives in an productive and effective manner.
Organisational Review & Improvement
SPICAE has extensive experience in the review, design and implementation of organisation development and understands that most organisations are complex and not easily comparable to others. Equally most organisations face new and increasing challenges and SPICAE does not follow a “one size fits all” approach.
It is useful to define purposeful organisation design and development as the framework by which the business strategy and work at all levels is delivered through people. SPICAE’s approach includes consideration of work process, structure and interfaces, as well as specific role requirements. The effectiveness of any development is impacted by the nature of the people capability, leadership, role clarity, culture, and relationship networks that exist within the organisation and these will also be a focus for the organisation review and design work.
When reviewing an organisational structure, functions, roles, accountabilities and effectiveness SPICAE follows a proven approach comprising of five key stages (this approach was developed with input from the late Rob Pledger).
✦ Strategic Understanding
- What is the strategy driving the organisation, and where do the inputs to this strategy come from?
- What also are the high level accountabilities and authorities implied by the strategy (are there higher level decision makers that need to be accommodated or is there a higher level strategic paradigm that sets action and local strategy).
- Connected to this is clarity about key stakeholders – both authority and influence.
✦ Process Understanding
- What are the significant processes, functions or work tasks implied by this strategy? How do these processes etc. interact – what is the nature of the interface?
- What interfaces are there with the external environment?
- What are the shared accountabilities and do they really need to be shared?
✦ Structure design (including options)
- How should work best be organised to support these processes, functions, and tasks? Particular attention to be paid to the nature of the work at the interfaces
- How are shared accountabilities managed?
- How many levels of work need to be implemented to engage in all the work – this is about determining different levels of work complexity.
✦ Role Definition
- What roles – type and number need to be attached to the structure?
- What is the unique value add of each role?
- Roles need to be defined in terms of their primary output, primary outlook (internal/external), primary responsibilities (strategic/operational), key relationships/interfaces and authorities as well as competency and experience requirements
✦ People Factors
- What are the skill and experience sets of the available resources?
- How well do they match roles requirements?
- What are the actions that need to happen to ensure a better match?